Restumping and releveling are key services for homeowners and property investors seeking to preserve or improve their residential properties' structural integrity. This process involves replacing deteriorated stumps under a house with new ones, which is critical for maintaining the property’s stability and durability. We provide stump selection tailored to your structure, precise assessment of stump quantity and spacing and managing necessary paperwork, including council permits. We guarantee that all restumping work adheres to strict building codes. Our commitment to compliance, reliability and accountability ensures we meet and exceed your expectations, monitoring our work for enduring peace of mind.
Home restumping and releveling are crucial maintenance tasks that ensure the structural integrity of a house. These processes involve replacing old, deteriorated stumps (foundations) with new ones and adjusting the home to a proper level. The benefits include preventing major structural problems, improving floor alignment and enhancing overall safety. Additionally, restumping and releveling can significantly increase a property’s value and appeal, making it a wise investment for homeowners. It also provides an opportunity to access and repair under-house areas, potentially improving ventilation and reducing dampness. Ultimately, these renovations lead to a more stable, secure and valuable home environment.
Contact us today for your free quote. We proudly service Lismore and surrounds.
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ABN 27 646 493 389
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